Exploit "loopholes" in adversities.

Do not evade my own faults committed.

Follow the life of all to see the MISFORTUNE is not predetermined by fate...

St. Mary Abchurch建立于1686年的伦敦,作为雷恩时代的建筑之一,St. Mary Abchurch把启蒙时代的宽容和学习的精神体现的淋漓尽致。

St. Mary Abchurch, City of London, 1686.  A typical Wren Church, represented the inspiration of learning and mutual toleration during the Age of the Enlightenment.



On the roof of St. Mary Abchurch, thereis a special word written in Hebrew, which is the name of the Holy One. By changingthe picture into a word, its association with Popish idolatry could be avoid,so safe for both angels and Protestants to worship.



The similar metaphor also embodied on a gilded pelican, which can be found above the altar. The mother pelican is feeding her young with her blood, representing Jesus’s sacrifice. 



Backto 1660, after Charles II had returned from exile, the Church of England had reinforced the monarchy’s restoration. As a result of that, the arms were displayed in every parish church. People at that time were not embarrassed to show what sex the lion and the unicorn might be. Unfortunately, during Victorianage, lion and unicorn had lost their “authority”, people called that “de-prizzled”.

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